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SMARTCRM at the Kinshofer Group
Company-wide CRM deployment with Infor LN integration
Since 2008, SMARTCRM has been supporting the Kinshofer Group in sales, field service, purchasing and management. Thanks to SMARTCRM, the consolidation of international locations with different ERP systems such as Infor LN & Baan, languages & currencies in one CRM was successful.
SMARTCRM at Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Company-wide CRM support for 20 years
Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG has relied on SMARTCRM for 20 years – and today it is used throughout the company. More than 200 employees work with the CRM solution in sales, order processing, development, service, and marketing. SMARTCRM has become an integral part of their day-to-day work and an indispensable pillar of the company’s growth.
CRM support with SAP connection in sales and service
Since 2020, SMARTCRM has proven its worth at the Austrian mechanical engineering company Geislinger GmbH
Geislinger GmbH has been using SMARTCRM since 2020 and has taken advantage of the CRM system in sales field and office as well as in service. During the CRM decision-making process, we scored with our SAP interface expertise. Initially, the Austrian mechanical engineering company used SAP R3 which was connected to SMARTCRM over an interface. The subsequent switch to the SAP Hana system and its connection to the CRM solution was also successfully implemented.
SMARTCRM at Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH
CRM support in sales for nearly 25 years
Harro Höfliger can look back on almost 25 years of using the CRM system SMARTCRM. In the past two years, the company has taken on the topic of CRM once again intensively and brought a wind of change into the use of the CRM solution with an update of the SMARTCRM version as well as additional modules and functions. The goal was to adapt them to the current sales processes better integrating them and ultimately facilitate sales work.
Central information pool thanks to the interfaces to abas ERP, HABEL DMS and Inxmail
SMARTCRM has been supporting sales, project planning and marketing at RP-Technik since 2019
RP-Technik has been using SMARTCRM in the sales field and internal sales as well as in project planning and marketing since 2019. Our standard interfaces to abas ERP, HABEL DMS and the email marketing tool Inxmail ensure a central information pool for all employees. One focus of CRM support at RP-Technik is project management.
Successful SMARTCRM deployment in the medical technology field
CRM support in sales, purchasing and marketing at Rudolf Storz GmbH
Rudolf Storz GmbH has been working with SMARTCRM in sales and purchasing since 2020. The corresponding figures are taken over from Majesty ERP via the standard interface and made available in a variety of analyses, as for sales figures. Suppliers are also imported and can be classified in detail in SMARTCRM. Supplemented by the entire communication history, the supplier file in SMARTCRM thus offers the current overall overview of all supplier relationships at all times.
Successful implementation in dental and medical technologies
SMARTCRM scores in sales and distribution at Hager & Meisinger GmbH
Since 2020, field and office sales employees of Hager & Meisinger GmbH have been working with SMARTCRM and a standard interface to proALPHA. The acceptance of SMARTCRM among the sales staff in the office and in the field is very high. The transparency for customer relationships has significantly increased. Fast access to customer-specific data enables employees to easily derive suitable sales measures.
High acceptance for CRM at Krug + Priester
SMARTCRM supports the complete information and report flow
Since 2019, the employees of Krug & Priester GmbH & Co. KG have been working with SMARTCRM in the field and back sales and marketing. Among others, we impressed with the preconfigured standard interface to Infor LN and our ERP expertise. The employee acceptance of SMARTCRM is consistently good, and Krug + Priester is also very satisfied with the assistance provided by our support and project management teams.
ANT takes advantage of SMARTCRM and abas interface
Drive technology manufacturer has been relying on CRM support since 2011
ANT has been relying on our CRM solution company-wide since 2011. As a long-term cooperation partner of the abas Software AG, we were able to set up the bidirectional interface to abas ERP with little effort. The connection already fulfilled almost all ANT’s requirements. This way, the company could significantly reduce the time required for analysis and processing of the figures with our CRM system and its ease of use.