A perfect match: Brewers with a passion and CRM from the specialist

Ernst Barre Private Brewery relies on SMARTCRM and INTEGRA connection for sales and distribution

We are very pleased that our CRM solution has been so well received by the brewing industry and welcome Privatbrauerei Ernst Barre GmbH to our customer base! Barre is a member of the Freie Brauer. After a presentation we gave there and several reference discussions, they decided to implement our CRM solution. Another decisive factor was the easy configuration of the interface to INTEGRA-ERP.


CRM sales support in office and field sales for GAUDLITZ GmbH

SMARTCRM impresses with connections to proALPHA ERP and DMS

We are pleased to welcome GAUDLITZ GmbH as another new proALPHA customer. The most important goal of the CRM implementation for GAUDLITZ is the creation of a central system. Previously, sales projects and e-mails, for example, were managed on local drives or in Microsoft Outlook mailboxes. A complete overview was not guaranteed. Such time-consuming and costly data acquisition and documentation will be a thing of the past with the introduction of CRM.


On the road to success with old gold and new CRM

SMARTCRM supports sales and purchasing at KOOS Edelmetalle GmbH

With KOOS Edelmetalle GmbH we welcome another company to our constantly growing customer base. Previously, the sales department relied on a sales application from another provider. However, after the application was discontinued, a new tool was needed for the sales staff, which is why KOOS decided to implement a CRM solution. The goals of the implementation are a central pool of information and digitized, more efficient processes to replace handwritten notes and reduce workload.


SMARTCRM at the Kinshofer Group

Company-wide CRM deployment with Infor LN integration

Since 2008, SMARTCRM has been supporting the Kinshofer Group in sales, field service, purchasing and management. Thanks to SMARTCRM, the consolidation of international locations with different ERP systems such as Infor LN & Baan, languages & currencies in one CRM was successful.


SMARTCRM wins CRM replacement with interfaces to proALPHA ERP and DMS

Austrian WILD Group relies on CRM support in sales and purchasing

With the WILD Group, we are pleased to welcome a new Austrian proALPHA customer. SMARTCRM replaces the CRM system previously used. We were able to transfer all CRM information from the old software into SMARTCRM without any problems, so that the history was not lost at any point. The ERP system in use is proALPHA. Here we convinced WILD with our many years of interface know-how.


SMARTCRM at Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Company-wide CRM support for 20 years

Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG has relied on SMARTCRM for 20 years – and today it is used throughout the company. More than 200 employees work with the CRM solution in sales, order processing, development, service, and marketing. SMARTCRM has become an integral part of their day-to-day work and an indispensable pillar of the company’s growth.


SMARTCRM continues to expand its abas customer basis

CRM support for the sales department of Unnapur GmbH

Once again our interface expertise as well as the standard connection to abas ERP impressed : Unnapur decided to use SMARTCRM. Unnapur already uses abas ERP and PROXESS DMS. We offer standard interfaces to both sytems, which helped us score in the CRM selection process. Furthermore, Unnapur benefits from the CTI connection.


CRM support with SAP connection in sales and service

Since 2020, SMARTCRM has proven its worth at the Austrian mechanical engineering company Geislinger GmbH

Geislinger GmbH has been using SMARTCRM since 2020 and has taken advantage of the CRM system in sales field and office as well as in service. During the CRM decision-making process, we scored with our SAP interface expertise. Initially, the Austrian mechanical engineering company used SAP R3 which was connected to SMARTCRM over an interface. The subsequent switch to the SAP Hana system and its connection to the CRM solution was also successfully implemented.


“CRM made in Germany” meets “Animal shearing devices made in Switzerland“

SMARTCRM deployed at the global market leader Heiniger AG

Our customer base using abas ERP is constantly growing. Thus, we are pleased to welcome Heiniger AG as our new customer. The Swiss company decided to implement CRM due to the lack of field integration. SMARTCRM scored here with its mobile solutions. In addition, our bidirectional standard interface connects the CRM solution to abas ERP. Time-consuming information retrieval and manual data maintenance in Microsoft Excel lists thus come to an end.
