Versatile CRM solution and outstanding support

SMARTCRM has been performing at Janser GmbH for 15 years

The Janser GmbH from Ehningen, Germany, has been relying on SMARTCRM for sales field and back office since 2005. Until then, data had been documented by the flooring technology specialist on various media. Today, all customer-related information from activity and machine history to evaluations of the figures from Sage b7 can be centrally viewed in the CRM solution.


Once again SMARTCRM proves its worth in the brewery industry

The Distelhäuser Brewery relies on CRM support

Once again, a brewery opted for implementing our CRM solution. From now on, SMARTCRM supports sales and marketing processes of Distelhäuser Brauerei Ernst Bauer GmbH & Co. KG. An important requirement of the brewery is to map the relationships of addresses belonging together. In addition to SMARTCRM, Distelhäuser uses the ERP software INTEGRA. We could easily connect the ERP system to our CRM solution via an interface. The figures will be automatically transferred from INTEGRA and processed in SMARTCRM. In the future, all relevant data will also be available to the field service at any time while on the road.


High usability and XRM features convinced PENTAC

SMARTCRM supports in sales, controlling, service and purchasing

Since 2016, SMARTCRM has supported anew the processes of PENTAC Polymer GmbH. In the decision-making process, we scored with a good price/performance ratio, a high usability of SMARTCRM as well as interfaces to Comarch and DATEV und thereby the associated creation of a central data pool.


SMARTCRM convinces with abas interface and satisfied customers

AZ Armaturen relies on CRM support in sales

In the future, SMARTCRM will support the field and office staff in the sales department of the AZ Armaturen GmbH. The company has already been using the ERP system abas. During the decision-making process, as a long-time abas cooperation partner, we scored with our ERP expertise and the standard interface to abas that can be easily adjusted to the customer’s requirements. Moreover, AZ Armaturen was convinced by the positive feedback from some of our customers following direct discussions.


Convincing with usability and abas expertise

Hilgenberg relies on SMARTCRM in the sales and service departments

Hilgenberg GmbH opted to implement SMARTCRM in sales and service. In reaching the decision, we scored with the high usability of our CRM system and the bi-directional standard interface to the ERP system, which could be implemented easily and was  adjusted to the company requirements. The connection of SMARTCRM with the Document Management System HABEL is carried out via another interface.


SMARTCRM scores again with abas expertise and standard interface

The sales department at CFM Schiller GmbH relies on CRM support

Wieder einmal hat sich mit der CFM Schiller GmbH ein abas-Anwender zur Einführung unserer CRM-Lösung entschieden. Bei der Wahl des geeigneten CRM-Systems fiel die Entscheidung für SMARTCRM u. a. aufgrund unseres großen abas-Kow-hows. Mit einer vorkonfigurierten, individuell anpassbaren Standardschnittstelle lässt sich unser CRM-System problemlos an abas-ERP anbinden. Auch den Rundumblick in der Projektverwaltung wird SMARTCRM ermöglichen. 


Successful SMARTCRM implementation at Swiss hardening plant

CRM support in sales and service at the hardening plant Gerster AG

In 2017, the hardening company Gerster AG decided to introduce SMARTCRM. Thanks to the CRM support in sales back office and field service, Gerster pursued the optimization of internal sales processes. Our CRM solution scored with its high flexibility as well as the interface to the ERP system AMS.


Working from home – farewell to centralized information?

Not with SMARTCRM and our mobile possibilities

Given the situation, home office is on everyone’s lips. Are you working from home right now and painfully missing all information concerning customers and prospective customers that you have handy when at the office? Then learn how our CRM system can support you in home office. With no less than three modules, we ensure that you can access all important customer data, tasks and internal information.


New year, new version SMARTCRM 20.1

From corridor search to spell check: SMARTCRM has a lot of innovations to offer

Soon, SMARTCRM version 20.1 is going to be launched – and therefore various new functionalities in different modules. SMARTCRM.App supports you mobile with additional features such as mobile lead management.
