Tracking of quotations, planning of tours, evaluating figures

ALUJET relies on SMARTCRM in sales

From now on, SMARTCRM supports the sales processes of the ALUJET GmbH. An important requirement in the framework of the CRM implementation was the improved access of the field service to relevant sales information. Next to our CRM solution, ALUJET relies also on Microsoft Dynamics NAV. SMARTCRM directly reaches for the master and dynamic data from the ERP system and imports them.


CRM company-wide

SMARTCRM used by Fritsch GmbH

Since the summer of 2016, the Fritsch GmbH has been relying on SMARTCRM in the sales, service, marketing and purchasing departments. The company was convinced by SMARTCRM’s coherent concept as well as its bidirectional standard interface to the ERP system proALPHA.


Proven CRM, new website

For 25 years, we have been on the market as CRM manufacturer. We celebrate our company jubilee with a new website.
Our new website does not only come in a fresh look, but is also mobile responsive. No matter from which device you are accessing our website, it will adapt.


CRM and ERP: two strong partners

Combining advantages, increasing efficiency

Can an ERP system also cover all CRM functions? The answer is: no! Both solutions support specific corporate divisions but their joint use enables the optimization of many business processes. Get to know these advantages that a combination of ERP and CRM opens up to.


The new SMARTCRM Version 16.2

Coming soon

The new SMARTCRM version 16.2 will be released in March. Immediately the newly structured mask surface strikes the eye. Tabs over the grid overviews allow more space for information in the overviews and ensure optimized usability – even in mobile use on Windows tablets with touch control.


Why are CRM solutions useful for SMEs?

Why does a SME company need CRM support? Quite simple! CRM in SMEs means more efficient processes in marketing, service and sales, stronger customer loyalty and more satisfied customers.


CRM for the purchasing department


Really good supplier relationships can only be consolidated if you know existing and potential suppliers. A CRM system can provide the functions of the SRM as well, since the supplier relationships have a lot in common with customer relationships.


SMARTCRM in service

Using complaints as an opportunity for customer satisfaction

Essential for customer loyalty is good service. The customer expects not only fault-free products but also added value through excellent service and product communication. All customer requirements must therefore be captured and reflected in the product and service characteristics. With SMARTCRM, you fulfill this requirement, process your customer inquiries professionally and ensure satisfied customers.
