Make the most of your potential

Successful cross-selling and up-selling with SMARTCRM


Cross selling and up selling: keywords for successful sales work. Selling as many or high quality products as possible works only if one possesses an understanding of one’s customers: which accessories could arouse interest of my customers? Which devices do they already have in use? Which products did they buy from the competition? Where is untapped potential? What are my customers’ requirements? And what are their needs?

SMARTCRM answers these questions for you with a few glances in the customer file.

Are you aware of your customers ‘potential? Do you know how to best position your products? If you work with SMARTCRM, then the answer to both questions is „Yes“ . The CRM system indeed provides for company-wide transparency: all important customer information is combined in the electronic file including the relevant activities. The CRM system supports you sustainably in getting to know your customers better and getting an idea of their requirements and purchasing behaviors. The huge advantage is the possible targeted actions and strategical customer communication – and ultimately on the one hand the consolidation of customer loyalty through excellent support and on the other hand the detection of cross-selling and up-selling potentials.

Evaluating product purchases with CRM in detail

Cross-selling and up-selling: customers should use the broadest possible selection of your own product range or the highest possible quality products. This is only achievable for the sales representatives if they proceed in a targeted manner during a customer meeting. The one who is poking around in the dark and randomly offers all possible products, might get lucky once but more likely annoy the customer. This is why sales representatives must know the customer as well as possible.

In this context, the following question is of particular importance: which products have they already purchased? SMARTCRM ensures a comprehensive overview of the products already bought by the customer using extensive evaluations at any time – and this, thanks to the drill down function, at different levels, for instance from the merchandise group to individual products. This is how the CRM solution supports efficient sales work not only using the complete history of this product, but also in comparing the most commonly purchased industry-specific products in their respective sales territories. Thereby, a sales representative sees at a glance which products belonging to the bestseller list are not used by this customer and can introduce them as particularly popular in this industry.


Advertising the appropriate product

In addition to the bestseller list, the sales representative can also offer the customer specific suitable accessory products or a successor model as part of cross-selling and up-selling. If a company sells larger machines or devices, the customer can also manage their locations. Likewise, past service calls are fully documented in the CRM system. Sales employees always know which products, devices or accessories are suitable for a customer. The marketing department writes to the relevant contact person as part of a marketing campaign – e.g., when launching a new product – without waste coverage.

Detecting unused potential

The other important question: which competitive products are used by the customer? If the sales staff can answer this question, then they can estimate the unused potential and offer their own equivalents. SMARTCRM supports them with the possibility to record competitive products and to compare them to their own products. This is how the sales employees have the possibility to compare prices at a glance, to balance advantages and disadvantages of the product and to store arguments for switching to their own product.

Those who do not manage that type of information centrally in one system, do not evaluate it on a regular basis and do not know how to use it, waste valuable potential. Therefore, it is essential to consider needs and requirements of customers, analyze their purchasing behavior and use the knowledge gained for successful sales work.

SMARTCRM is the perfect tool for uncovering cross-selling and up-selling potentials.

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