Schimscha GmbH relies on SMARTCRM to boost sales and increase customer loyalty

“Schimscha creates the solution” – and we create the right CRM system.

Schimscha GmbH:

  • Manufacturer of machine frames, control cabinets and enclosure systems

SMARTCRM at Schimscha:

  • First CRM implementation
  • Use in field sales, internal sales and marketing
  • Module: Basis, SMARTCRM.Sales, SMARTCRM.Projects, SMARTCRM.GeoMap, SMARTCRM.Exchange.Sync, SMARTCRM.Inxmail, SMARTCRM.Offline, SMARTCRM.App, SMARTCRM.ERP

Requirements and Project Goals:

  • 360-degree panoramic view of customers
  • Mapping of customer group structures
  • Project management and offer tracking in the CRM system
  • Display of framework agreements and current call-off totals
  • Connection to the ERP solution in use
  • Extensive BI analyses
  • Optimal field service integration
  • CRM support for marketing campaigns
  • Connection to Inxmail

We are pleased to welcome Schimscha GmbH as a new customer. The sheet metal processing company has chosen our CRM solution to strengthen its customer relationships and optimize its business processes. Welcome on board!

The family-owned company, based in Ravenstein, Germany, is an expert in custom sheet metal fabrication and a manufacturer of custom housings, control cabinets, machine frames and enclosures. The main objective in implementing a CRM system was therefore to create a platform that systematically records technical coordination and enables the best possible service to be offered to customers.

Until a few years ago, Schimscha sold its products exclusively through distributors, but now the company operates in the market itself. As part of this new sales strategy, Schimscha needed software that would support its sales processes, enable systematic data storage and analysis, and ensure the best possible customer service. At the same time, chance helped: Schimscha discussed the sales problem with its sales partner in Switzerland, Geisser AG. Geisser had been using SMARTCRM successfully for several decades and explained its CRM-supported sales processes to the metal processing company. Schimscha was enthusiastic and decided to implement our CRM solution due to the positive market response. We are happy to have such a great reference and would like to thank Geisser AG!

Focusing on the seamless integration of ERP and CRM systems, Schimscha and SMARTCRM started an intensive project to implement CRM, define and optimize interfaces and design efficient workflows. We work hand in hand to develop a customized solution that not only addresses specific business needs, but also supports your strategic goals. Through close collaboration and regular feedback loops, we were able to ensure that every detail of the implementation was tailored to Schimscha’s needs.

In addition to SMARTCRM, Schimscha uses a homegrown ERP solution. We were able to connect this to our CRM system without any problems. For example, customers, contact persons, articles, offers, and figures – sales, incoming orders, order backlog, and open items – are transferred to SMARTCRM. In the opposite direction, for example, prospects can be transferred from the CRM system to the ERP system with a single click.

A big advantage for Schimscha is the management of customer hierarchies and relationships, which include many groups. It is extremely helpful that not only can the hierarchies of addresses be maintained in SMARTCRM and viewed at any time, but also that sales figures, for example, can be called up both cumulatively at group level and individually, e.g. per subsidiary.

Charts and dashboards in SMARTCRM display key figures, data and facts in a structured and clear format, so that sales teams in the office and in the field always have the most important information about their customers at a glance. Prospects and customers are also qualified directly in the CRM solution.

SMARTCRM will also help Schimscha with project management. The company produces individual, customer-specific products. As a result, communication with customers is intensive. In the CRM solution, all activities and participants are bundled in a project file and clearly structured with the help of individual processes. Associated e-mails are automatically imported from Microsoft Outlook via Microsoft Exchange and stored in the respective customer and project file. This means that managers always have a complete overview of current or past projects and can keep track of all customer agreements made by colleagues. Quotations and their items, which are imported from the ERP system via an interface and archived in the project file, complete the overview and ensure optimal traceability of open quotations.

This also applies to the framework agreements that are monitored in SMARTCRM. Our CRM system shows Schimscha the article quantities already called off as well as the call-offs still planned. In addition, SMARTCRM maps framework offers and scale quantities from the ERP system, creating a solid foundation for successful sales.

Of course, your field team can access this critical information while on the road. They can use either their notebook or the SMARTCRM.App on their smartphone or tablet. When planning customer visits, SMARTCRM’s area search feature can help them find interesting addresses near the customer that could be visited.

The marketing team will also benefit from the use of CRM and the standard interface to the email marketing tool Inxmail. Based on the articles contained in quotations and orders, the addresses in SMARTCRM are automatically assigned characteristics per product group, which makes it much easier to select the appropriate target group for a marketing campaign.

The customer

Two managing directors, 127 years of tradition in sheet metal processing and the fifth generation of Schimscha already active today: This is what Schimscha stands for. On the other hand, our family-owned company has a production area of 23,000 m², 150 qualified employees and modern machinery. The combination of past and future enables us to manufacture high-quality products “Made in BaWü” and to react quickly to individual requirements. Together, and thanks to our well-founded know-how, we are a reliable partner who can meet any challenge: from the product idea, through design and production, to delivery.

The history of Schimscha began in 1896 in Misslitz/South Moravia in today’s Czech Republic. After a completely new start in Germany after the Second World War, our former plumber’s shop has developed into a successful medium-sized company. Perfection in sheet metal is created at today’s location in Ravenstein, Baden-Württemberg.

Our goal is to produce the highest quality customized sheet metal structures to meet the individual needs and requirements of our customers. We see ourselves not only as a service provider, but also as a strategic partner at eye level to develop customized solutions. Our company claim “Schimscha creates the solution” is more than just a slogan – it is the heart of our corporate philosophy and the basis for our daily activities.

The ERP interface

Schimscha relies on the standard interface between CRM and ERP: