Since 2010, the sales staff of Erwin Halder KG has worked with SMARTCRM. The company introduced the CRM system with the goal to be able to evaluate at any time its business figures at the press of a button and thus to always have on hand a sound basis for decisions. An important criterion for the CRM software selection was to provide an interface to the ERP system abas Business Suite. The preconfigured standard interface between SMARTCRM and abas ERP over which the data is updated every night allows a central database as well as the evaluation of the data from the ERP system in SMARTCRM. Halder was convinced by the great experience of SMARTCRM, as a longtime cooperation partner of the abas AG and the swift setting up of the interface.
Extensive and rapid daily evaluations of sales figures, incoming orders, customer contact etc.
Standard interface to abas Business Suite
Tight, seamless, complete and user-friendly follow-ups of the quotation
In Sales Always Informed
SMARTCRM optimized many sales processes, such as the preparation of a representative for a customer visit. The CRM system provides all necessary information centrally in the electronic customer file. The sales employees must not gather data from different locations, but they have them on the screen with a few clicks. The up-to-date informed representative can act in a targeted manner during the customer visit and take good care of his customer. Thanks to the CTI function, contact details of the incoming call are immediately visible. The employee can switch immediately to the corresponding customer file. The request of the customer can be worked on during the conversation. Thus, the CRM system provides the employee a complete activity history of the customer as well as the corresponding statistics and an overview of all already purchased products.
Project goals
Transparent data holding and so current information for the sales representatives
- Overview of important business figures at any time
- Creation of a sound basis for process-related decisions
User-friendly Quotation Tracking
The sales department benefits from SMARTCRM with the topic quotation tracking. Halder edits and monitors about 800 offers a month. These are imported as a pdf file from the abas ERP in the CRM system and archived under the corresponding address. SMARTCRM sends after the import automatically a task to the person in charge for following the offer, whose deadline depends on the amount of the quotation. By the press of a button, the employees can directly switch to the quotation in the abas ERP system to visualize each position. The quotations are updated every hour in SMARTCRM, so that quotation modifications carried out in abas ERP are taken over rapidly in the CRM system.
Evaluation at the Press of a Button
Before the implementation of SMARTCRM, Halder issued evaluations of representatives, customers, sales figures as well as products in Microsoft Excel. The required data were read out of the database with the help of a tool. Thus, even if the information was current, the process was very complex and time-consuming. In SMARTCRM, significantly more analyses are now available to the company – and these, daily at the press of a button. So the employee recognizes early on, for instance, by which customer the sales are decreasing or which product, how often and by which customer a product is related. For the management of Halder, the most important evaluations are transferred automatically at night to Microsoft Excel. So the management has at a glance in the morning all the important figures. Using these evaluations, they know immediately how, for instance, turnovers or product sales are developing and can plan accordingly short-term as well as long-term.
The acceptance of SMARTCRM is really high among the employees of Erwin Halder KG. Thus, the user-friendly representation of the data and the extensive evaluations convince and support the sales staff. SMARTCRM is responsible for significantly higher transparency of the data and so creates a sound basis for process-related decisions. With the comprehensive evaluations in SMARTCRM, the former time-consuming preparation of the figures in Microsoft Excel belongs to the past.
Halder plans to let all field service employees as well as sales representative work with SMARTCRM. Thanks to the offline capability of the CRM system, and the data access possibility via Smartphones, iPhones and iPad, all employees have all necessary information available even when out of the office.
The topic SRM plays also an important role at Halder, as the company thinks about connecting of the purchase department to SMARTCRM. Suppliers’ data and quotation requests can be user-friendly managed and evaluated on a daily-basis in SMARTCRM.
With SMARTCRM, we can lead our sales management successfully. That way the monitoring of quotations has been significantly improved and substantially more user-friendly. Also in other sales areas, we reach a higher productivity and faster processes with SMARTCRM.
Anton Wahler, CRM project manager at Erwin Halder KG